2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs: 2024-2025 Moot Court Competition Sign-Ups: Refer to the email Dr. J forwarded on September 4 for details about the competition and sign-up by Thursday, September 12 at 5:00pm to compete.
2024-2025 SBA Board: Students interested in running for a position must submit their candidacy statement by Saturday, September 7 at 11:59pm. Refer to Dr. J's email on September 3 for a list of positions available and for more information.
2Ls and 3Ls: DEADLINE EXTENDED: 2024 Equal Justice Works Virtual Career Fair; Wednesday, October 9 through Friday, October 11: The deadline to request a reimbursement has been extended to Wednesday, September 11 at 12:00pm. More information can be found in Dean Deol's September 4 email.
Graduate and Family Housing Cooling Station Hours: Cooling stations are offered to all Graduate and Family Housing residents. Please see the September 5 email from Jeanette Gonzalez-Rodriquez for locations and hours.
Extra Food at Law School Events: Please note that most events at the law school require advance registration and have a designated time for food and beverage service. After the reception for an event has concluded, if there is leftover food and time permits, notification will be sent using Zot Bites. If there is not enough time before the food is cleared for a Zot Bites notification, a law school staff member will walk through the Law Library with a sign stating food is available for students. Please do not interrupt events in progress to ask whether you can take some food. If you are experiencing food insecurity, see the list of resources available through the UCI Basic Needs Center, which include CalFresh and the FRESH Pantry.
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD): Mandatory Training: All students must complete the training by Friday, October 25 to avoid a hold on their student account. See Dean Jones' email on Wednesday, September 4 for information.
Open Classrooms Visits for Faculty: Tuesday and Wednesday, September 10 and 11: Faculty are invited to visit their colleagues' classes to observe different teaching styles and techniques. For details, see the August 30 email from UCI Law Dean's Office.
Basic Needs Center's CalFresh Enrollment Party: Monday, September 16; 9:00am to 4:00pm; Student Center, Doheny Beach A: Submit your CalFresh application and complete your interview all on the same day! Applications are processed within one day, allowing you to access your benefits faster than the usual 30-day processing period. You must set up an appointment to participate. See CalFresh's benefits and eligibility for more details.
Chancellor's Professors of Law: Professor Mario Barnes and Professor Courtney Cahill; Tuesday, October 1 at 4:30pm; DCE: Dean Parrish invites you to join us to celebrate Professor Barnes and Professor Cahill and recognize their respective appointments as Chancellor's Professors of Law. Reception will follow. Register by Monday, September 23 to attend.
Western Region Black Law Students Association (WRBLSA): SoCal Speed Networking Event: Thursday, October 3 at 6:00pm; Verano Community Center: Connect with attorneys from across Southern California who bring a diverse range of experiences, including roles in public and private practice, law firms, in-house counsel, government, and more. RVSP to attend.
2024 National Law Students Workers' Rights Conference: Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19; Baltimore: If you would like to attend, read Dean Deol's September 5 email for instructions.