Where Will I Live?
There are a lot of wonderful options when it comes to living in Orange County.
Virtual Tour: Guaranteed Housing
Incoming Students
Law students who accept an offer of admission and submit a positive Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) for the upcoming Fall semester can apply for a guaranteed on-campus housing offer in one of our six on-campus communities: Palo Verde, Verano Place, Campus Village, Vista del Campo, Vista del Campo Norte, or Puerta del Sol. Learn more about these communities.
The online guaranteed housing application opens March 1 and payment must be submitted by May 2. View more detailed information about applications, deadlines and eligibility.
Students will be notified of their housing community assignment via email in June. Any student who wishes to decline the housing community offer must respond to the email by the stated deadline, and indicate the reason for declining the offer and/or request to be placed on the waitlist for another community.
Financial Aid award offers will be revised based on community assignments. Students will be notified via email.
Current Students
The guaranteed housing offer includes priority lease renewal for the following two years - the normal expected time to degree for J.D. students, assuming housing eligibility is maintained.
Here’s what to expect at renewal time:
- During the month of March, you will be notified of the renewal procedures. You will be asked to submit your Intent for Continued Residency beyond your lease term end date (i.e., renew lease for another lease term).
- During the month of March, you will be asked to submit your Intent for Continued Residency beyond your lease term end date (i.e. request for extension to stay through summer months, or plans to vacate at the end of lease term).
Request for an extension of stay during summer months in preparation for the bar exam will be considered and is routinely granted. However, approval for this extension is contingent upon availability of space.
Questions about this should be sent to gradguarantee@housing.hsg.uci.edu.
Off-Campus Living
Students have the option to search the Off-Campus Housing and Roommate Finder for rental housing near the UC Irvine Campus. Students may check the message boards for roommate listings or to post a listing. It is free for all students. For more information visit the Housing Network.
Orange County offers a variety of residential environments including apartments, condos, townhomes, and houses both close to campus or at the beach.
Housing Liaisons
Your leasing office should be the first place you go with questions, but if you run into any challenges feel free to contact our UC Irvine Law housing liaisons.
The Director of Financial Aid is a great resource for incoming students or current students with financial concerns. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence is a good contact for summer sublet assistance, noise concerns, or general housing questions.