Upcoming Events

Why Clerk for Private Sector Careers? An Alumni Clerkship Panel Presentation
Come learn the value of judicial clerkships for private sector careers, where you can clerk, and what judges are seeking in applications. A panel of UCI Law alumni working in the private sector will share their experiences as judicial...

Business Law Society - An Introduction to Corporate Law with Ropes & Gray
Attorneys from various corporate practice areas with Ropes & Gray are sharing their time for a panel and Q&A for students interested in the field.

CLSC | Socio-Legal Studies Book Talk: Vibhuti Ramachandran - "Immoral Traffic:" An Ethnography of Law, NGOs, and the Governance of Prostitution in India
Hosted by the UCI Center in Law, Society and Culture, the Socio-Legal Studies Workshop is an interdisciplinary seminar that brings together scholars both within and beyond the UCI community working at the intersections of law, social sciences,...

KLC + KPA | Mentorship Panel
A joint celebration and gathering hosted by the Korean Prosecutors Association (KPA) and the Korea Law Center at UC Irvine Law. To request reasonable accommodations for disability, please email centers@law.uci.edu.

IEFV | Natalie Nanasi - Why Domestic Violence Offenders Don’t Give Up Their Guns
The UC Irvine Initiative to End Family Violence welcomes Natali Nanasi, Associate Professor at SMU Dedman School of Law and founding Director of the law school’s Judge Elmo B. Hunter Legal Center for Victims of Crimes Against Women, to...

If/When/How: Careers in Reproductive Justice Panel
Join us for a panel of professionals working in different capacities to advance reproductive rights. • Ji Seon Song - UCI Law Professor • Natalie Birnbaum - Founder, Repro Solutions; Co-Founder, Sexual Health and Reproductive...

U.S. Air Force JAG Information Session
Over 1,300 active duty military attorneys, called judge advocates (JAGs), have discovered that service as a commissioned officer in the Air Force Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG Corps) has much to offer. Our legal practice is challenging...

MLSA & JLA Interfaith Dinner
The Muslim Law Students Association and Jewish Law Student Association will organize an interfaith dinner to celebrate Ramadan, a special month for Muslims that focuses on fasting, spiritual reflection, and communal unity. In the spirit of...

LSJP x ILS: South Africa's ICJ Case Against Israel
Join LSJP and ILS for a discussion about South Africa's ICJ case against Israel, featuring speaker UCI Law Professor David Kaye. Professor Kaye is the former UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of...

OWLS General Meeting
First general meeting for Older, Wiser Law Students. We will introduce the executive board and describe available positions. We will discuss possible organization events and elicit input from attendees. Food will be provided.