Our Faculty
UC Irvine Law faculty are some of the nation’s leading scholars and teachers, representing a broad range of expertise, including antitrust; biotechnology; business law; civil procedure; civil rights; constitutional law; consumer law; criminal law; diversity, education and law; equality and discrimination; election law; environmental law; gender and law; government regulation and policy; health law; immigration law; intellectual property and cyberlaw; international dispute resolution; international law and securities; labor and employment law; law and pop culture; law and psychology; law and social sciences; legal ethics and professional responsibility; tax law; and urban planning. A 2021 study of Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties ranks UC Irvine Law No. 14 in the U.S.
Full-Time Faculty
Cindy Thomas Archer
Associate Dean for Equity
Professor of Lawyering Skills
carcher@law.uci.eduExpertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Professional Responsibility; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Cultural Humility in Client Representation; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education
Sameer Ashar
Clinical Professor of Law
sashar@law.uci.eduExpertise: Clinical Legal Education; Law and Social Movements; Labor Law; Immigration Law; Legal Profession
Swethaa Ballakrishnen
Professor of Law
Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development
Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
sballakrishnen@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7979Expertise: Legal Profession, Gender, Critical Feminist and Queer Theory, Global Souths, India
Mehrsa Baradaran
Professor of Law
mbaradaran@law.uci.eduExpertise: Banking Law; Contracts; Property; Housing; Inequality
Mario Barnes
Chancellor's Professor of Law
mbarnes@law.uci.eduExpertise: Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; National Security Law; Race and the Law
Joshua D. Blank
Professor of Law
Director of the UCI Law in NYC Program
jblank@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4807Expertise: Tax Administration and Compliance; Taxation of Business Entities; Taxpayer Privacy and Tax Transparency
Courtney Cahill
Chancellor's Professor of Law
Expertise: Constitutional law, anti-discrimination law, reproductive rights, sex equality, LGBTQ equality
Alejandro Camacho
Chancellor's Professor of Law
UCI Law Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
acamacho@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4160Expertise: Environmental and Natural Resources Law; Land Use Regulation; Government Regulation and Policy
Robert S. Chang
Professor of Law and Sylvia Mendez Presidential Chair for Civil Rights
Executive Director of the UC Irvine School of Law Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality
rchang@law.uci.eduLinda Cohen
Professor of Economics and Law
linda.cohen@uci.edu / (949) 824-5189Expertise: Political Economy; Government Regulation and Policy; Economics and Law
Adam Cowing
Assistant Clinical Professor of Law
acowing@law.uci.edu/ (949) 824-3897Expertise: Community and Economic Development, Affordable Housing Law and Policy
Rachel Croskery-Roberts
Associate Dean for Lawyering Skills
Professor of Lawyering Skills
rcroskery@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9267Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Individual Employment Law; Employment Discrimination Law; Persuasion/Rhetoric; Business Drafting
Joe DiMento
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
jdimento@law.uci.eduExpertise: Environmental Law; International Public Law; Urban Planning
Veena Dubal
Professor of Law
vdubal@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4794Expertise: Employment and Labor Law
Victor Fleischer
Professor of Law
vfleischer@law.uci.eduExpertise: Partnership Tax; Federal Taxation; Tax; Private Equity Law; Tax Policy; Corporate Finance; Business and Corporate Law; Corporate Tax; Financial Market Regulation
Bryant Garth
Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
bgarth@law.uci.eduExpertise: Globalization; Legal Profession
Howard Gillman
UCI Chancellor
Professor of Law, Political Science and Criminology, Law & Society
chancellor@uci.edu / (949) 824-5011Expertise: American Constitutionalism; Judicial Politics
Andrew Gold
Professor of Law and Philosophy
agold@law.uci.eduExpertise: Private Law Theory; Fiduciary Law; Law of Corporations
Kaaryn Gustafson
Professor of Law
Director, Center on Law, Equality and Race (CLEaR)
kgustafson@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4029Expertise: Law and Inequality; Empirical Research; Critical Race Theory
Kevin Haeberle
Professor of Law
khaeberle@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2793Expertise: Corporate law and securities law (including focuses on insider-trading law as well as financial-instrument trading markets, broker-dealers, exchanges, investment companies, and ETFs and their regulation)
Carrie Hempel
Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law
Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
chempel@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3575Expertise: Clinical Education; Community & Economic Development; Post-Conviction Remedies
Dalié Jiménez
Professor of Law
Director, Student Loan Law Initiative
djimenez@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0066Expertise: Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Law; Credit and Debt Collection Markets; Credit Reporting; Student Loans; Access to Civil Justice; Randomized Control Trials in Law
David Kaye
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, International Justice Clinic
dkaye@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2427Expertise: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law; Public International Law; International Criminal Justice; and Freedom of Expression
Sung Eun (Summer) Kim
Professor of Law
Director, Korea Law Center
skim@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4946Expertise: Private Equity; Corporate Law; Corporate Finance; Financial Regulation; Contracts
Annie Lai
Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Immigrant Rights Clinic
alai@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9894Expertise: Immigration Law; Civil Rights; Workers’ Rights; Clinical Legal Education
Dana Lee
Assistant Professor of Law and Mohannad and Rana Malas Scholar in Islamic Legal Studies
dlee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3892Expertise: Islamic Law; Intellectual and Social History of the Islamic World; Jurisprudence; Comparative Law; Property
Stephen Lee
Professor of Law
slee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3731Expertise: Administrative Law; Immigration Law
Jack Lerner
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Intellectual Property, Arts and Technology Clinic
jlerner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7684Expertise: Intellectual Property; Technology
Christopher Leslie
Chancellor's Professor of Law
Director, Competition, Antitrust Law, and Innovation Forum (CALIF)
cleslie@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-5556Expertise: Antitrust; Intellectual Property; Class Action Settlements; Sexual Orientation and the Law
Ji Li
John & Marilyn Long Professor of US-China Business and Law
jli@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2750Expertise: Chinese Law and Politics; International Business Transactions; Comparative Law; Contracts; Empirical Legal Studies
Elizabeth Loftus
Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law & Society; Cognitive Science; and Law
eloftus@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3285Expertise: Psychology and Law; Human Memory
Omri Marian
Professor of Law
omarian@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-6493Expertise: International Taxation; Comparative Taxation; Taxation of Financial Instruments
Susan McMahon
Professor of Lawyering Skills
smcmahon@law.uci.eduExpertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Legal Education; Criminal Law; Mental Health
Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Distinguished and Chancellor's Professor of Law
cmeadow@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1987Expertise: International and Comparative Law; Dispute Resolution; Legal Profession and Legal Ethics; Civil Procedure; Law and Society; Legal Education; Feminist Legal Theory and Law; Literature and Popular Culture
Alison Mikkor
Professor of Lawyering Skills
amikkor@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-8000Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Appellate Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Professional Responsibility; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education
Rachel Moran
Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law Emeritus
rmoran@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9949Expertise: Civil Rights; Education Law and Policy; Higher Education and Affirmative Action; Latino-Related Law and Policy; Legal Education; Torts
Austen Parrish
Dean and Chancellor's Professor of Law
aparrish@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7722Expertise: Transnational Law and Litigation, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Federal Courts
Katherine Porter
Expertise: Bankruptcy, consumer law, legislation process, statutory interpretation, mortgage foreclosure, debt collection, empirical studies of legal systems
Tony Reese
Chancellor's Professor of Law
treese@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4745Expertise: Copyright Law; Trademark Law
L. Song Richardson
Chancellor’s Professor of Law
srichardson@law.uci.eduExpertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Law and Social Science; Race and the Law; Leadership; Policing; Implicit Racial and Gender Bias
Michael Robinson-Dorn
Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Environmental Law Clinic
mrobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1043Expertise: Advice and Counseling; Litigation; Administrative and Policy Advocacy; Administrative Law; Natural Resources Law; Environmental Law
Trilby Robinson-Dorn
Vice Dean
Professor of Lawyering Skills
trobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9638Expertise: Business Transactions; Contract Drafting; Employment Discrimination; Employment Law; Lawyering Skills; Client Counseling; Trial Advocacy
Ezra Ross
Professor of Lawyering Skills
eross@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9743Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Legal Profession
Kenneth W. Simons
Chancellor's Professor of Law
Co-Director, Center for Legal Philosophy
ksimons@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3863Expertise: Torts; Criminal Law; Moral and Political Philosophy
Robert Solomon
Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law Emeritus
Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
Co-Chair, UCI Center for the Study of Cannabis
rsolomon@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9719Expertise: Community & Economic Development; Housing; Evidence; Trial Advocacy
Ji Seon Song
Assistant Professor of Law
jsong@law.uci.eduExpertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Policing, Race and the Law; Juvenile Law
Ann Southworth
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
asouthworth@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2917Expertise: Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility; Cause Lawyers
Jane Stoever
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Domestic Violence Clinic
Director, Initiative to End Family Violence
jstoever@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3418Expertise: Clinical Legal Education; Domestic Violence Law; Family Law
Shauhin Talesh
Professor of Law
Director, Law and Graduate Studies Program
stalesh@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9214Expertise: Civil Procedure; Consumer Law; Insurance; Organizations; Empirical Legal Studies; Law and Society; Law and Inequality; Law and Social Change
Emily Taylor Poppe
Professor of Law
Faculty Director, UCI Law Civil Justice Research Initiative
etaylorpoppe@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2986Expertise: Access to Justice; Wills & Trusts; the Legal Profession; Civil Procedure; Law & Society; Inequality and Law
Beatrice Tice
Professor of the Practice of Law
btice@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7327Expertise: International Law; Comparative Law; Legal Profession; Legal Research and Writing
Katharine Tinto
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Criminal Justice Clinic
ktinto@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9247Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Defense
Grace Tonner
Distinguished Professor of Lawyering Skills
gtonner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4037Expertise: Lawyering Skills
Charles Tyler
Assistant Professor of Law
ctyler@law.uci.eduExpertise: Federal Courts, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure
Kerry Vandell
Dean's Professor Emeritus of Real Estate and Law
kvandell@uci.edu / (949) 824-1985Expertise: Real Estate Law; Business Law
Ari Waldman
Professor of Law
awaldman@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9949Expertise: Privacy law, law and technology, sociolegal studies, empirical methods, digital governance, science and technology studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies
Henry Weinstein
Professor Emeritus of Lawyering Skills
hweinstein@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3642Expertise: Media Law; Lawyering Skills
Christopher Whytock
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Center in Law, Society and Culture
cwhytock@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0496Expertise: Conflict of Laws; International Law; Transnational Litigation; Empirical Legal Studies
Adjunct Faculty and Directors
Patricia Cyr
Co-Director, Domestic Violence Clinic
pcyr@law.uci.eduPaul Hoffman
Director, Civil Rights Clinic
Co-Director, International Human Rights Clinic
Partner, Schonbrun DeSimone Seplow Harris & Hoffman, LLP
phoffman@law.uci.eduSusan Seager
Adjunct Professor of Law
Kathryn Anderson
Research and Instruction Law Librarian
kanderson@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-5370Amy Atchison
Acting Director of the Law Library
aatchison@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3203Ellen Augustiniak
Head of Collection Services
eaugustiniak@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3225Jessica Pierucci
Research Law Librarian for Foreign, Comparative, and International Law
jpierucci@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-5370Robert Rosas
Access and Student Services Law Librarian
rarosas@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-6130Divya Seth
Research and Instruction Law Librarian
dseth@law.uci.edu / 949-824-7242Christina Tsou
Head of Public Services
ctsou@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1430Kaitlyn Winkle
Research and Instruction Law Librarian
kwinkle@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-6421
Academic Skills
Mary Basick
Assistant Dean of Academic Skills
mbasick@law.uci.eduChristine Francis
Associate Director of Academic Skills
cfrancis@law.uci.eduQueena Mewers
Associate Director of Academic Skills
Affiliated Faculty
Elizabeth Cauffman
Professor of Psychological Science; Education; and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
cauffman@uci.edu / (949) 824-4075Simon A. Cole
Professor of Criminology, Law & Society and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
scole@uci.edu / (949) 824-1443Eve Darian-Smith
Department Chair, Global and International Studies
Professor, Global and International Studies and Law
UCI School of Social Sciences
edarian@uci.edu / (949) 824-1072Jon B. Gould
Dean, School of Social Ecology
Professor, Criminology, Law & Society and Law
jon.gould@uci.edu / (949) 824-5466Sora Han
Associate Professor of Criminology, Law & Society and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
sora.han@uci.edu / (949) 824-0050Jeffrey Helmreich
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Law
UCI School of Humanities
jhelmrei@uci.edu / (949) 824-6520Mona Lynch
Chancellor's Professor of Criminology, Law & Society and Law
Department Chair, Criminology, Law & Society
Co-Director, Center in Law, Society and Culture
UCI School of Social Ecology
lynchm@uci.edu / (949) 824-0047Nicholas Marantz
Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Public Policy and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
nmarantz@uci.edu / (949) 824-8101Bill Maurer
Dean, UCI School of Social Sciences
Professor of Anthropology; Criminology, Law & Society; and Law
wmmaurer@uci.edu / (949) 824-1415Keramet Reiter
Vice Chair, Criminology, Law & Society
Professor, Criminology, Law & Society and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
reiterk@uci.edu / (949) 824-9201Justin Richland
Professor of Anthropology and Law
UCI School of Social Sciences
jbrich@uci.edu / (949) 824-9449Nicholas Scurich
Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law & Society; and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
nscurich@uci.edu / (949) 824-4046Christopher Seeds
Assistant Professor of Criminology, Law & Society and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
cseeds@uci.eduCharles Anthony (Tony) Smith
Professor of Political Science and Law
UCI School of Social Sciences
casmith@uci.edu / (949) 824-7948William C. Thompson
Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Law & Society; Psychological Science; and Law
UCI School of Social Ecology
william.thompson@uci.edu / (949) 824-6156Benjamin van Rooij
Global Professor of Law
University of Amsterdam
bvanrooij@law.uci.eduJeffrey Wasserstrom
Chancellor's Professor of History and Law
UCI School of Humanities
jwassers@uci.edu / (949) 824-6521
Visiting Faculty
Alicia Alvarez
Visiting Clinical Professor of Law
aalvarez@law.uci.eduMitra Ebadolahi
Visiting Clinical Professor of Law
mebadolahi@law.uci.eduMaureen Johnson
Visiting Professor of Law
mjohnson@law.uci.eduDavid King
Visiting Professor of Law
dking@law.uci.eduHeather Tanana
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
htanana@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3072
Peter Afrasiabi
Co-Director, Appellate Litigation Clinic
Partner, One LLP -
Daniel J. Alexander II
Director of Startup and Small Business Clinic
Sole Shareholder, Daniel J. Alexander II, A Professional Corporation -
Nassim Alisobhani
Amelia Alvarez
Associate, Alexander Krakow + Glick LLP
Wendy Blanco
CEO/Founder, Blanco Behavioral Health Consulting, LLC
Director of Counseling Services and Trauma Recovery, Peace Over Violence -
Jeff Blank
Managing Partner, Garcia Rainey Blank & Bowerband LLP -
Aaron Brynildson
Space Operations Command
Jodi Chall
General Counsel, Chall Consultants LLC
Co-Founder, TLR Music Group -
Jamil Dakwar
Director, ACLU Human Rights Program -
Kathryn Davis
Co-Director, Appellate Litigation Clinic
Law Office of Kathryn Davis, Certified Appellate Law Specialist
9th Circuit Pro Bono Appeals, Appointed Counsel -
Ana Marie Del Rio
Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel, Steadfast Companies -
Lauren Ebrahim
Senior Business Affairs & Licensing Associate, TIDAL at Block, Inc.
Peter Elias
Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP Tax Group -
Correen (Cori) Ferrentino
Founding and managing attorney at Ferrentino Law, A Professional Law Corporation -
David Finley
President, Esquire One Research Services, Inc., Tustin -
Christine Francis
Associate Director of Academic Skills, UCI Law
Christina Gagnier
Partner, Three-Point Law -
Elizabeth Hercules-Paez
Staff Attorney, Immigrants' Rights Project, Public Counsel
Angela Howe
Legal Director, Surfrider Foundation -
Bryan Jarrett
Senior Corporate Counsel, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. -
Michiyuki Kono
Partner Physician, Southern California Permanente Medical Group -
The Honorable Richard Y. Lee
Judge, Orange County Superior Court, Santa Ana
Amy Lally
Sidley Austin LLP -
Rob Lindquist
Retired Chief Compliance Officer -
Mariah Lindsay
Laura Lively
Associate in the Litigation Department of Morrison Foerster’s Los Angeles office -
Jessica Lujan
Trial Attorney, Gomez Trial Attorneys -
The Honorable Elizabeth Macias
Orange County Superior Court Judge -
Samrah Mahmoud
Partner, Troutman Pepper -
Cuauhtemoc Ortega
Federal Public Defender at Federal Public Defender, Central District of California -
Diana Palacios
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP -
Amanda Paracuellos
Founder and Owner, -
Grace Parrish
Visiting Associate Clinical Professor of Law and Director of Field Placement Department,Loyola Law School -
Melanie Partow
Senior Associate Attorney, Law Offices of Dale K. Galipo -
Joi Rideout
SVP Business & Legal Affairs -
Robert Russell
Senior Counsel, Taylor Nelson Amitrano LLP -
Douglas Schaaf
Partner and Former Chair of the Global Tax Practice of Paul Hastings -
Tina Schindler
The Honorable Tam Schumann
Judge, Superior Court of Orange County, California (Ret.) -
Adam Sechooler
Litigator, Private Practice -
Michael Seplow
Partner, Schonbrun Seplow Harris Hoffman & Zeldes, LLP -
Rebecca Simon
Wellness Champion to the Legal Industry & Co-Founder, Bar Peak Performance Program™ -
Matthew Swanlund
Founder and Principal, AESTHETIC LEGAL -
Robert Tauler
Managing Partner, Tauler Smith LLP -
James Wald
Partner, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP -
Steven Wrappe
Technical Leader, Transfer Pricing
Grant Thornton LLP -
Nicholas Wu
International Tax Manager, Gilead Sciences
Hinako Sugiyama
Digital Rights Fellow
hinakos@uci.edu -
Allen Sumrall
Postdoctoral Scholar