Mohannad Malas Endowed Chair in Islamic Law
Mohannad Malas is the generous donor of the Mohannad Malas Endowed Chair in Islamic Law. A committed philanthropist and successful businessman, Mr. Malas has made a commitment to the study and research of Islamic law at the UC Irvine School of Law, and we are grateful for his generosity and dedication to scholarly research. An annual lecture on Islamic Law and/or Islamic Legal Studies, delivered by a top national expert in the area, is part of this endowment.
- February 21, 2017: Mark Fathi Massoud, Associate Professor, Politics Department and Legal Studies Program at UC Santa Cruz, on “The Lived Experience of Islamic Law”
- September 1, 2015: Intisar A. Rabb, Director of Islamic Legal Studies Program and Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, on “The Decline of Doubt in Islamic Law”