UCI Law Students Help Organize California State Senate Hearing on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Left to right: Judge Kirk Nakamura, Jordin Wilcher '21, Cassie Doutt '20, and Joe Dunn.
In spring 2019, UCI Law students enrolled in “The AI Frontier: Disrupting Legal Services” successfully created and introduced a new California State Senate Select Committee on the Growing Impact of Artificial Intelligence. The focus of the select committee is to critically examine the state of AI in California and make recommendations for legislation to support the increased use of AI.
Today, members of the committee held a hearing on the impact of artificial intelligence in law enforcement at the Anaheim City Hall Council Chambers. UCI Law students enrolled in “Pushing the AI Frontier: It’s Impact on Law, Policy and the Legal Profession,” a continuation of the spring 2019 course, helped plan the hearing. Witnesses included:
- Claude Arnold, recently retired Special Agent in Charge (Los Angeles), Homeland Security Investigations.
- Sergeant Christopher McDonald, Orange County Sheriff’s Department Crime Analysis Unit.
- The Honorable Judge Kirk Nakamura, Presiding Judge for the Superior Court of Orange County
- Sen. Joe Dunn (ret.), UCI Law Special Advisor to the Dean and UCI Law lecturer
Jordin Wilcher ’21 and Cassie Doutt '20 attended the hearing on behalf of the course with Joe Dunn. Prof. Dunn teaches the course with UCI Law lecturer and Executive Director and Chief Innovation Officer, Emerging Technologies Research and Policy Institute Neil Sahota.
UCI Law students Melissa Chen '20, Cassie Doutt '20, Iris Ma '20, Hedyeh Tirgardoon '21, Jordin Wilcher '21 participated in the project.