UCI Law Assistant Professor of Law Swethaa Ballakrishnen Recognized with Honorary Mention of 2020 Adam Podgorecki Prize

Swethaa Ballakrishnen, UCI Law Assistant Professor of Law, has been recognized as an Honorary Mention of the 2020 Adam Podgorecki Prize. Ballakrishnen is a socio-legal scholar whose research examines the intersections between law, globalization and stratification from a critical feminist perspective. The Podgorecki Prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in socio-legal research in the form of outstanding scholarship of a socio-legal researcher at an earlier stage of their career.
The International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL) established the Podgorecki Prize in 2004 in honour of Adam Podgorecki, the founding father of RCSL and a leading figure within the international sociological community.