UCI Law Student Gets First-Hand Experience of Impeachment Trial

Cheyenne Hunt-Majer, a University of California, Irvine School of Law (UCI Law) student, is getting experience of the legislative process as she works as an extern for Senator Amy Klobuchar's Judiciary Committee Office. She witnessed history first-hand during the Senate trial of President Trump on Capitol Hill.
“The opportunity to serve in a U.S. Senate office has been incredibly empowering,” said Hunt-Majer. “For the rest of my career, I'll be able to reflect on what it was like to work on the impeachment of a president.”
The second year law student is enrolled in the UCDC Law Program, a full-semester externship program in Washington, D.C. that immerses students in the theory and practice of Washington lawyering. Students have contact with all three branches of the federal government, independent regulatory agencies, and advocacy nonprofits.
Hunt-Majer decided to attend UCI Law because of her desire to run for elected office – she believes that a legal education will make her a more effective policy advocate. Given her future career goals, she felt enrolling in the UCDC Law Program would be beneficial for her, and she hasn’t regretted her decision.
“To be trusted by my team to help craft briefings and talking points for the Senator has been something I never would have imagined I'd get to do as a 22 year-old. I've gotten to contribute to something bigger than myself and now that I've had a taste of true public service, I know that this is what I'm meant to do,” Hunt-Majer said.
The California resident double majored in Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Denver before attending UCI Law. Though the days have been long while working in the nation’s capital, she says the experience has been both inspiring and sobering, as it has given her a real glimpse of the hard work that takes place every day.
“I have had the privilege of attending Senate committee hearings and observing the functioning of government first hand. And, I’ve seen how hard it is to govern as the minority party in a democracy and I've also learned how demanding these jobs can truly be in times of importance, which is almost all the time,” she said.
About the University of California, Irvine School of Law
The University of California, Irvine School of Law is a visionary law school and provides an innovative and comprehensive curriculum, prioritizes public service, and demonstrates a commitment to diversity within the legal profession. UCI Law students have completed more than 100,000 hours of pro bono work in the past decade. Forty-five percent of UCI Law’s graduates are students of color. The collaborative and interdisciplinary community at UCI Law includes extraordinary students, world-renowned faculty, engaged alumni, and enthusiastic supporters. More information on UCI Law is available here. Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ucilaw and SnapChat: ucilaw.
More information about the UCDC Law Program is available here or contact Program Director, Nicole Lehtman at Nicole.lehtman@ucdc.edu. Please follow us on Instagram @ucdc_law and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UCDCLaw/.