UCI Law Faculty, Clinical Fellow to Participate in AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education

The University of California, Irvine School of Law (UCI Law) is delighted to announce that Jane Stoever, Clinical Professor of Law, Director of the Domestic Violence Clinic, and Director of the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence at UCI Law; Camille Pannu, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law in the Community & Economic Development Clinic; and Claire Johnson Raba, Clinical Fellow in the Consumer Law Clinic, will be presenting at the Association of American Law School (AALS) Conference on Clinical Legal Education. This year’s conference, titled “Reckoning with our Past and Building for the Future,” will take place on Wednesday, April 28 to Saturday, May 1. Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Criminal Justice Clinic Katie Tinto served on the planning committee for the conference and will co-lead a criminal law working group discussion.
“The theme of this year’s conference is confronting practices and systems that have perpetuated inequality and injustice and thinking about, as educators, how to respond effectively to today’s challenges and to advance antiracism and inclusiveness,” said Prof. Tinto.
Prof. Stoever’s session is based on her paper: Critically Examining and Countering Reliance on Criminal Convictions in Family Court and Domestic Violence Proceedings. The session, co-facilitated by Prof. Courtney Cross (University of Alabama School of Law), will examine statutes that explicitly allow for or require Family Court and Domestic Violence Unit judges to consider past criminal convictions and probation and parole status of litigants seeking to secure custody or visitation of children, form a family through adoption, or receive protection from domestic violence. Given how the criminal legal system disproportionately arrests, charges, and sentences people of color and increasingly criminalizes domestic violence survivors, Prof. Stoever notes that the convergence of heuristics and bias profoundly impacts litigants’ lives, relationships, and families.
Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor of Law Camille Pannu is co-presenting a session, Delivering Water Justice: Case Studies in Respectful, Sustainable, Multi-Semester, Nontraditional Lawyering. Clinical Fellow Claire Johnson Raba is presenting a work-in-progress, Low-Income Litigants in the Sandbox: The Necessity for Empirical Data to Evaluate Emerging Technologies in the LegalTech A2J Market.
The UCI Law Clinical Training program continues to rank highly amongst its peers, with U.S. News & World Report placing it at No. 6 nationally and No. 2 among public schools. It is ranked No. 9 for Legal Writing by U.S. News & World Report, and preLaw Magazine ranks UCI Law No. 9 for Practical Training. UCI Law focuses on real-life learning from the moment students begin their first year. The Law School consistently ranks at the top for reputation among law professors nationwide, and has emerged as a preeminent law school for clinical, practical, and real-world experiential training.