Calif. Mortgage Settlement Monitor Starts Consumer Protection Clinic at UC Irvine School of Law

IRVINE, Calif. (June 12, 2012)—The law professor named by California Attorney General Kamala Harris to monitor the landmark foreclosure settlement with five major banks is starting a Consumer Protection Clinic to help ensure California homeowners get the mortgage relief promised. The settlement obligates the banks to deliver as much as $18 billion worth of homeowner and borrower benefits in California.
UC Irvine Law Professor Katherine Porter has begun work to establish a clinic at the law school that will enlist attorneys and law students to ensure banks deliver promised relief to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and change unfair and deceptive practices, including “robo-signings” of mortgages and other alleged legal improprieties.
“This is a truly unprecedented development, not only the size and nature of the settlement and monitoring process, but also the involvement of law students in helping the Attorney General aid troubled consumers,” said Porter. “There is no other legal clinic like this in the country in terms of offering multiple perspectives on consumer law. It will prepare UCI law students for sophisticated careers in law and policy--all while helping distressed homeowners.”
Porter will co-teach the Consumer Protection Clinic with a visiting clinical professor who will advise law students. Student tasks will include helping troubled homeowners obtain loan modifications; developing and implementing compliance plans to monitor banks; communicating with the public, homeowners and legal advocates about the settlement; preparing public reports on compliance; and providing advice and support to the Attorney General. The clinic will provide students with opportunities to work directly with advocates, homeowners, government lawyers, and bank representatives.
The clinic is a partnership between the UCI School of Law and California Attorney General’s Office. The banks have three years to perform their obligations under the settlement.
MEDIA CONTACT: Rex Bossert, assist. dean, communications,, (949) 824-3063.
UC Irvine School of Law seeks to create the ideal law school for the 21st century by doing the best job of training lawyers for the practice of law at the highest levels of the profession. Recruited from prestigious schools, the faculty ranked ninth in the country in scholarly impact in a recent study. The student body has median grades and LSAT scores comparable to those of student bodies at top 20 law schools. The school's innovative curriculum stresses hands-on learning, interdisciplinary study and public service.