Student Loan Law Initiative
Founded in 2018 as a partnership between the University of California, Irvine School of Law and the Student Borrower Protection Center, the Student Loan Law Initiative (SLLI) is the only academic center in the country dedicated to producing the highest quality academic research on the student debt crisis.
- SLLI has announced a new round of research grants, supporting researchers interested in tackling the most pressing issues at the center of the student debt crisis.
- We are also announcing SLLI's Emerging Scholars program to support and elevate the research of young academics who are interested in working on issues related to student loan debt and the student debt crisis. .
Recent News
- Director of the Student Loan Law Initiative discusses student debt forgiveness on Wort Radio with David Nahmias from UCB Center for Consumer Law & Economic Justice - Wort Radio
- UCI Law Professor Dalié Jiménez held a virtual event April 3 with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra on "Ensuring Fair Dealing in Financial Markets" - UCI Law
- Student loan law initiative launches new round of funding for groundbreaking research, new platform for emerging scholars to end the student debt crisis - SLLI
- SLLI launches 2020 student loan research grant program - UCI Law
- SLLI hosts colloquium on student loan policy and litigation strategies – UCI Law
- Prof. Jiménez Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee on Student Debt, Bankruptcy – UCI Law
- LISTEN: Prof. Jiménez discusses ABI Commission Report and student loans – ABI Podcast