The Meaning of Myriad
Friday, September 12, 2014
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
UC Irvine School of Law, EDU 1111
Conference Schedule
- 8:45 a.m.: Welcome
- 9:00-10:20 a.m.: Panel 1: The New, New Subject Matter
- Mark Janis, IU Bloomington
Expressive Eligibility - Amelia Rinehart, University of Utah
Myriad Lessons Learned
- Mark Janis, IU Bloomington
- 10:20-10:40 a.m.: Morning Break
- 10:40-12:00 p.m.: Panel 2: Implications for Scientific Research and Medicine
- Peter Lee, UC Davis
Law, Forbearance, and Definitional Fluidity: The Impact of Myriad Genetics on Scientific Research - Anna Laakmann, Lewis & Clark
The New Genomic Semicommons
- Peter Lee, UC Davis
- Noon-1:30 p.m.: Lunch
- Keynote Address: Hon. Andrew Guilford, USDC
“Judging Myriad”
- Keynote Address: Hon. Andrew Guilford, USDC
- 1:30-2:50 p.m.: Panel 3: International and Comparative Assessments
- Brad Sherman, Griffith University
What Does it Mean to Invent Nature? - Jessica Lai, University of Lucerne
Myriad Genetics in the European Context: A Contrast to the U.S. Approach
- Brad Sherman, Griffith University
- 2:50-3:10 p.m.: Afternoon Break
- 3:10-4:30 p.m.: Panel 4: Scouting the Way Ahead
- Lisa L. Oullette, Stanford University
Non-Patent Innovation Incentives and Patentable Subject Matter - Mark Lemley, Stanford University
Can Mayo and Myriad be Reconciled?
- Lisa L. Oullette, Stanford University
- 4:45 p.m.: Adjourn