Henry Weinstein
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Center on Law, Equality and Race
Joint appointment in Literary Journalism and Law

Article Highlights
- Stephen R. Reinhardt: A Sense of Fairness and Compassion (PDF)
- In the Nixon-Humphrey election, I refused to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils.’ That was a mistake
- High court takes up lethal injection (PDF)
- How Lawyer Navigates Sea of Secrecy in Bizarre Case (PDF)
- State Law, Ruling on Abuse of Women Help Free Inmate (PDF)
- Panel votes to censure U.S. judge (PDF)
- Massive Backlog Plagues DNA Lab (PDF)
- One Man Goes Free, Another Waits (PDF)
- Concerns About Pain Put Lethal Injection on Trial (PDF)
- Victims of the Justice System (PDF)
- Nazi Hunter Loyal to the Dead (PDF)
- A Jurist Who Took ‘One Case at a Time’ (PDF)
- Recasting Wilderness as Open for Business (PDF)
- Many Denied Right to Counsel, Group Says (PDF)
- Judges Want a Convicted Killer Freed; D.A. Unmoved (PDF)
- On Jurist’s Case Over His Ties to a Killer (PDF)
- Prisoners May Face ‘Legal Black Hole’ (PDF)
- Judges Ignore Juries to Impose Death (PDF)
- Abortion Foes Are Ruled a Threat (PDF)
- Conviction for Murder Reversed (PDF)
- Killer's Sentence of Death Debated (PDF)
- Condemned Man Could Go Free After DNA Testing (PDF)
- Ruling on Sleeping Lawyer (PDF)
- Powerful Foes of Legal Aid (PDF)
- Death Penalty Debate—Can New Violence Be Predicted? (PDF)
- A Sleeping Lawyer and a Ticket to Death Row (PDF)
- Death Penalty Is Overturned in Most Cases (PDF)
- Condemned Man Awaits Fate in Dozing Lawyer Case (PDF)
- Many Resist DNA Testing for Inmates (PDF)
- Decision Sought on Wider Right to Counsel After Conviction (PDF)
- Supreme Court Voids Settlement in Asbestos Suit (PDF)
- Death Penalty Foes Focus Effort on the Innocent (PDF)
- Untested Theory Becoming Tobacco Firms' Top Threat (PDF)
- When Law, Tragedy Intersect (PDF)
- Debate Rages as Court Gets Plan to Settle Asbestos Cases (PDF)
- Black Judge Tells Thomas of Need to Protect Civil Rights (PDF)
- Painful Lessons: Vocational School Folds, Leaves Students in Limbo (PDF)
- Vocational School: Poor Being Taken for a 'Bad Ride' (PDF)
- States Accused of Ignoring Farm Hygiene (PDF)
- How to Watch a Bascball Game: Vin Scully's Primer for Neophytes and Connoisseurs (PDF)
- That fearsome day when 9 black kids made history (PDF)