
Exams are a popular method for assessment of your coursework.  At UCI we use anonymous grading and exams are administered through the Office of Student Services. If you have any questions regarding exam administration please contact the Registrar

Important Exam Documents

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the Academic Rules prior to each exam period. They should also read the Exam Memo that will be emailed prior to exams by the Registrar. 

Exam Methods

In-Person exams will be administered through ExamSoft SofTest or via BlueBook. Please make sure you have the most up to date version of Soft Test on your computers via the ExamSoft website. Please note that if you do not download exams by 12 noon the day before your exam in ExamSoft you will have no option but to use BlueBook.

Take-Home exams will generally be administered through the Take Home Module. In this program, once you download an exam the clock begins ticking. You must upload your answer within the amount of time specified or by the upload deadline, whichever comes first.

Please refer to the Exam Technical Information page for more information.

Exam Schedule

Exact times and locations will be posted in MyCourses in the days prior to exams. Tentative in-person exam schedule(s) can be found below:

Tentative exam schedules only include in-person exams as they have been communicated to the Registrar’s Office. The schedules are subject to change as exam formats are finalized by instructors. Take-home exams are not included on the in-person exam schedules and exams will be removed from the schedules as they are updated to a take-home format.

Information found on MyCourses should be considered final and overrules information found elsewhere.

Please contact the Registrar's Office if you have any questions. 

Exam Review

Every professor with a scheduled exam should hold a review session during reading days. For more information, please contact the Registrar's Office

Rescheduling an Exam

Students are expected to be familiar with the Law School’s Examination Policies (Academic Rules, Section IV) . In particular, a student may make-up or postpone an exam or written assignment only if arrangements are made in advance of the exam or assignment due date.  The due dates for such requests will be advertised each semester in the Exam Memo. Make-ups or postponements are permitted if:

  1. A student believes that she or he is the victim of disabling circumstances and feels unable to perform adequately (see Academic Rule IV. B. 1).
  2. The examination falls on a date or time when the students cannot take it because it violates the student’s religious beliefs (see Academic Rule IV.B.3).
  3. Two exams are scheduled at the same time or in consecutive periods (one morning and one afternoon on the same day, or one afternoon and one morning the next day) or three exams are scheduled on three consecutive days (see Academic Rule IV.B.4)

Students should contact the Registrar to arrange for a make-up examination.

Study Breaks

We encourage students to partake in study breaks and relaxation opportunities provided by the Student Services Office or student organizations.  In the past these events have included: exam breakfasts, freshly popped popcorn, and therapy dogs.