Contact Information

UC Irvine Law Office of Admissions

If you have questions about requirements for the 3+3 Articulated Program and Scholarship Program along with application to UC Irvine Law, please contact:

Ben Kwak
Associate Director of Admissions and Pipeline Initiatives
UC Irvine School of Law


Pathway Partners

If you have questions concerning undergraduate academic advising and requesting a referral for the 3+3 Articulated Program or Scholarship Program, please contact the applicable Pathway Partner below:

Pathway Partner Contact Info
UCI Campuswide Honors Collegium Honors Program Office,
UCI Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health Undergraduate Programs,
UCI School of Humanities
Undergraduate Experiential Learning,
UCI Samueli School of Engineering TBD
UCI School of Physical Sciences Don Williams,
UCI School of Social Ecology Yvonne Vo,
UCI School of Social Sciences Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Affairs,
Point Foundation TBD
Thrive Scholars Cristina Gapasin Tortal,