No, the scholarship is not stackable.

No, the scholarships are not stackable.

Yes, it is possible to be admitted. For applicants who receive an offer of admission without the median LSAT and undergraduate GPA, eligibility for scholarship will be evaluated by the Scholarship Committee for UC Irvine Law scholarship funds.

No, the programs are not binding to UC Irvine Law.

As a high school student no additional action is needed to when you apply to the undergraduate program. If you are admitted and enroll at UCI as an undergraduate student, you would reach out to our UCI partners for academic advising.

If you have recently graduated from UCI and your major was with one of our UCI partner schools or participated the UCI Campuswide Honors Collegium, you may be eligible for the 3+3 Articulated Program or Scholarship Program. Please contact Ben Kwak, bkwak@law.uci.edu, for further information.