Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty

Mehrsa Baradaran
UCI Professor of Law Mehrsa Baradaran spoke at the Just Money conference at Harvard Law School on June 15, 2023, appearing on the panel for "Money and Empire: Past, Present, and the Future of the Dollar System." View a recording of the speaking engagement.
Joshua D. Blank
UCI Professor of Law Joshua D. Blank co-authored the forthcoming book, “Automated Agencies: The Transformation of Government Guidance” (Cambridge University Press 2024), with Professor Leigh Osofsky of the University of North Carolina School of Law. The book describes the results of a qualitative study of automated legal guidance across the federal government. View the full list of Prof. Blank’s recent scholarship and speaking engagements.
Dan L. Burk
UCI Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law Dan L. Burk recently published a law review article in the Duke Law and Technology Review. In “Causation and Conception in American Patent Law,” 20 DUKE L. & TECH. REV. 116 (2023), Prof. Burk explores exceptions to inventive causality, the role they play in determining inventorship, and their effect in excluding consideration of mechanical inventors under current law. View the full list of Prof. Burk’s recent scholarship.
Jack Lerner
UCI Clinical Professor of Law Jack I. Lerner facilitated the involvement of four UCI Law students last year to work on the nonprofit Black Music Action Coalition’s annual “Music Industry Report Card,” which the organization describes as a “tool to measure growth and hold industry leaders accountable for their expressed commitments to racial equity.” The students contributed research, drafting, and editing assistance, which led to a credit in the byline of the report. On May 15, 2023, Variety magazine highlighted the report’s key findings. Read the Variety article and view the full report.
Austen Parrish
UCI Law Dean Austen Parrish was a speaker at the Advanced Dean’s Workshop/Conference, co-sponsored by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) and the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), held this June in Washington, D.C. He spoke on a panel with Dean Tamara Lawson (University of Washington School of Law), Dean Melanie Wilson (Washington & Lee University School of Law), moderated by Dean Andy Perlman (Suffolk University Law School), on professional development issues for new law school deans such as building a brand for your school and starting new programs.
Ken Simons
The U.S. Supreme Court cited the American Law Institute’s Restatement Third, Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons (Tentative Draft No. 6) in Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh (decided May 18, 2023) — UCI Chancellor’s Professor of Law Kenneth W. Simons has served as Chief Reporter or Co-reporter for the Restatement project since 2012. Read about the Supreme Court citation in ALI Adviser. Additionally, on June 9, 2023, he presented the paper, “Lost Chance of a Better Medical Outcome: New Tort, New Type of Compensable Injury or New Causation Rule?,” at the Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy: New Torts?, at DePaul College of Law. View the full list of his recent scholarship.
Jane K. Stoever
UCI Clinical Professor of Law Jane K. Stoever testified on June 20, 2023, before the state Assembly Judiciary Committee on Senate Bill 741 (Min), on behalf of UCI Law’s Domestic Violence Clinic clients. The clinic, which Prof. Stoever directs, proposed SB 741 to create a process and protections for discovery (e.g., depositions and interrogatories) in civil domestic violence restraining order cases, seeking to guard from the weaponization of discovery currently used to intimidate survivors from pursuing protection and to delay relief. View the recording of Prof. Stoever’s testimony (available at 1:36:30 to 1:46:30).
Shauhin Talesh
UCI Professor of Law Shauhin Talesh was selected to serve as a Distinguished Visiting Professor in summer 2023 at FGV Direito Rio (Rio de Janeiro Law School). FGV Rio is among the top law schools in Brazil. Prof. Talesh taught a course on Law, Organizations, and Regulation and presented his research on organizational responses to law at multiple research centers and initiatives at the law school. Additionally, Prof. Talesh, who was recently recognized as a 2022 Teacher of the Year by the Association of American Law Schools, gave two presentations in June at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting: “Publishing in Socio-Legal Friendly Journals: Meet the Editors and Get Advice on Publishing” and “Addressing Inequality Issues in the Peer-Reviewed Publishing World.”
Emily Taylor Poppe
UCI Professor of Law Emily Taylor Poppe’s survey experiment project on “Perceptions of Legality and Civil Justice”—with co-researchers Nigel J. Balmer, Catrina Denvir, and Hugh M. McDonald—was funded by Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) and will be fielded this summer. Additionally, as Faculty Director of the UCI Law Initiative for Inclusive Civil Justice, Prof. Taylor Poppe attended, along with Professor Dalié Jiménez, a convening at Georgetown University Law Center to discuss the creation of an access-to-justice research consortium.