Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty

Dan L. Burk
UCI Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law Dan L. Burk published “Patents in Action,” 63 Jurimetrics J. 221 (2023), which considers the construction of patents as social practices and aims to observe patents in action, that is, to catch patents in the act of becoming patents. Prof. Burk also recently published the article, “Cheap Creativity and What It Will Do,” 57 Georgia Law Review 1669 (2023), in which he explores the impact machine learning will have on human creativity and innovation, and the implications of these changes for intellectual property doctrine and policy.
Alejandro E. Camacho
On August 28, UCI Chancellor’s Professor of Law Alejandro E. Camacho joined 33 current and emeriti professors of environmental law in a letter urging U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland not to execute a land exchange with an Alaska Native corporation for purposes of building a road through Congressionally designated Wilderness in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. The scholars contend the land exchange is contrary to the clear wording and legislative history of Section 1302(h) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and would jeopardize the protection of over 150 million acres of national public lands.
Veena Dubal
UCI Professor of Law Veena Dubal was the opening keynote speaker for the XVIII National Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Labor Studies on September 6 in Brasilia. The day before, on September 5, she delivered a lecture to the Superior Labor Court, the highest-level court for labor issues in the Brazilian judiciary.
Emily Taylor Poppe
UCI Professor of Law Emily Taylor Poppe received a National Science Foundation grant that will fund a conference that brings together access to justice scholars and representatives from federal agencies to identify opportunities to use administrative data to improve access to justice and inform policy. Prof. Taylor Poppe’s co-principal investigators are Professor Rebecca Sandefur from Arizona State University and the American Bar Foundation, Matthew Burnett from the American Bar Foundation, and Professor Lauren Sudeall from Vanderbilt Law School.
Henry Weinstein
UCI Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Lawyering Skills Henry Weinstein joined former UCI Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky on August 30 to discuss key recent Supreme Court decisions. The virtual event, “Our Constitution, Our Supreme Court, Our American Future,” is part of the Community Conversations series jointly founded by Jews United for Democracy & Justice and Community Advocates, Inc.